Series B: Research

Breuer, Thomas: Verordneter Wandel? Der Widerstreit zwischen nationalsozialistischem Herrschaftsanspruch und traditionaler Lebenswelt im Erzbistum Bamberg, Mainz 1992

(Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Zeitgeschichte, Reihe B: Forschungen, Bd. 60)
Thomas Breuer: Verordneter Wandel? Der Widerstreit zwischen nationalsozialistischem Herrschaftsanspruch und traditionaler Lebenswelt im Erzbistum Bamberg.
Thomas Breuer: Verordneter Wandel? Der Widerstreit zwischen nationalsozialistischem Herrschaftsanspruch und traditionaler Lebenswelt im Erzbistum Bamberg.

Research on the fate and conduct of the Catholic Church under National Socialism has been an important mission of the historical profession for many years. Thomas Breuer widens this debate with his regional history of the changing relations between Church members, clergy, and bishop in the largely pre-industrial environment of the Bamberg Archdiocese.

The author advances the thesis that the Catholic Church opposed National Socialism as a symptom of secular modernity. He interprets the resistance of Church members to National Socialism, as well as the limits of Church opposition, from the standpoint of traditional Church responses to secularization.

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