Hehl, Ulrich von / Hürten, Heinz: Der Katholizismus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1945–1980. Eine Bibliographie, Mainz 1983

This volume represents the first comprehensive bibliography of the history of Catholicism in the Federal Republic of Germany. With over 13,500 listed titles, the editors have built a foundation for broader scholarly research and hope to inspire further questions and inquiry. The bibliography’s contents attest to a religiously and politically most significant phenomenon: to a far greater degree than was possible in the Wilhelmine Empire and the Weimar Republic, German Catholicism helped determine the destiny of the Federal Republic. With a view to that phenomenon, the titles collected here include such specific church-historical events as the Fulda Bishops Conference’s confession of guilt in 1945, the consequences of the Second Vatican Council, and the (Hans) »Küng case,« but are not limited to them. The bibliography also reflects the theoretical and organizational prerequisites for the influence of Catholics in Church, society, and state, which means above all associational and publications activity broadly defined. A third section documents German Catholicism’s most important fields of endeavor in internal church and external political spheres, without which the previous history of the Federal Republic could not adequately be written.
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